Peace of Mind
Providing Research Data and Resources Against Defrauders and Scammers

Protect Yourself and Your Assets From Fraud, Scams, and Identity Theft
This is a free-of-charge, not-for-profit website. The site’s administration is dedicated to reducing fraud and scams and to simplifying the reporting process that follows victimization. Most of the data collected and disseminated on this site is based on reports from people trying to avoid a scam or from people who have already been victimized. All frauds or scams resulting in the loss of money, whether hard currency or cryptocurrency, should be reported to law enforcement, including local police and the FBI, via their Internet Crime Complaint Center (iC3) while trying to engage the offender to return the lost money. All scams or fraud reported to this site will be evaluated and may be edited and added to the “REPORTED FRAUD/SCAM TESTIMONIAL LIST”. Reported experiences will hopefully help you or someone else avoid becoming a victim. Companies or individuals accused of fraud or scams will have the opportunity to challenge their reported bad actions, but they will not be able to have bad reports removed without satisfying the reporter. This website is updated daily. The information you contributed to this website today will help someone sleep better tomorrow.

Fees Are High
Results Are Low
Claims To Return
Money or Identity For
Positive TestimonyResearch As Hard As
You Should Have The
Initial Scam.
False Natural
Disaster CharityFlooded Vehicles Sale
Personal Information
1. Do the Following If You Suspect You Have Been Defrauded, Scammed Or That You Identity Has Been Compromised:
2. Do the Following If You Suspect You Have Been Defrauded, Scammed Or That You Identity Has Been Compromised:
3. Do the Following If You Suspect You Have Been Defrauded, Scammed Or That You Identity Has Been Compromised:
List of other Recommended Research Sources
FraudXScamXDotCom Mission Statement
Who are we? We are a group of people trying to avoid being defrauded or swindled or our identity being compromised. We could be you.
Some of us or our loved ones have already been victimized and we are making navigating the claim reporting process and recovery efforts easier for them and for others. We are dedicated to assembling and disseminating information on the diverse types of fraud and scams and to sharing that information so that our joint efforts will help curb the successes of the scamming industry. Join us and share the satisfaction of knowing you helped someone fight the skillful swindlers.
Use of this website is free. Sharing your experiences and / or your monetary donations will foster the success of this joint effort of upgrading and maintaining this website. Please join us.
CONTACT: [email protected] or leave a report on the Contact – Report – Request Form Below.
Contact – Report – Request Form
Please leave your questions, comments, a report of an offence or suspected fraud or scam here. We will make every effort to respond within 48 hours. Your report of a bogus activity, a scheme, fraud, or scam may be published. Identities will be concealed. Be specific and complete. You will be notified if we decide to report your encounter. Your name will not be used if your experience is published. Your message box will support a maximum of 3,000 characters. If more space is needed type “to be continued in a follow up report” at the end and follow up with a second report labeled (Report Part Two).
Contact Form
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